It is more than possible to lose weight without going on a formal weight loss program or complicated exercise program. There are certain easy steps that need to be taken under these “off the cuff” circumstances, but if you can stay focused and remember these simple steps when you are at the grocery store or contemplating stopping at a restaurant for lunch or dinner, you really can lose weight quickly and a substantial amount of weight over a period of a few months. Here are some of tips you can follow that you can incorporate and lose a dazzling amount of weight - 10, 20 or 30 pounds.
Move around every chance you get. Make a point of taking walks or in general walking further than you need to, start bending more and by all means exercise anytime you are inspired to. The physical activity of course will also help you attain that magic desired balance where you are burning off as many calories as you are taking in via your diet, and it is at this point, after you attain this balance, that if you eliminate for instance a 200 calorie snack every day, you are going to lose 20 pounds over the course of a year. If you eliminate 3 100 calorie snacks a day, you will lose 30 pounds a year and on it goes.
Cut out fast food completely. Particularly the burgers dripping with animal fat and the cheaper fries. In a new study done in Sweden, 18 slim, healthy Swedish men and women ate meals at popular fast food chains twice a day for four weeks while refraining from exercise. At the end of this experiment the resulting blood tests showed irrefutable evidence that these men and women eating fast food had liver damage. They also had gained an average of 16 pounds. Dramatic results for a four week study.
If we really took the time to look into what, for instance, the fast food burgers were doing to our looks and general health over time, chances are very good we wouldn’t want them anyway.
Read the labels when you go grocery shopping. When you are starting out, don’t go to the store when you are in a hurry. Make it a permanent habit to make the comparison between a regular item and choosing a satisfactory lower calorie replacement. Over time you will be able to go in and pick the lower calorie items you like without giving it much thought, so you will spend minimal time on that – it will become second nature.
Drink all the water you can every day, particularly before a meal. Water helps to kill your appetite and cleanses your body without one calorie added. Water is a good deal all the way around. It even hydrates your skin to give you a more youthful appearance. If you can get into the habit of drinking water instead of soda, and you have been drinking a fair amount of soda daily, you could lose 30 pounds in three months.
If you can adopt these steps into your lifestyle, you never have to think of it as dieting, and you will still look and feel much better than you would otherwise. You will probably live longer too. These are small sacrifices for a big payoff, and you can start shedding those pounds right away.
Written by Anne Hilton
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