If you want to last longer in bed and get your sex drive and libido up then remember - you are what you eat! If you feed your body the right foods before sex then you can give your sex drive a lift and enjoy greater sexual satisfaction...
The keys to a strong hard erection are:
High levels of nitric oxide, testosterone, good strong blood circulation and the right state of mind i.e. you are relaxed and full of energy and this can all be achieved quickly with some powerful herbs to help you last longer in bed and enjoy better sex.
There are many herbal sex pill manufacturers, who are blending pills with these herbs in strong qualities to increase your performance and they will get you a better erection and increase desire and satisfaction, by lifting all the areas we not above.
Nitric oxide is not only the key to a strong erection; it's the key to getting an erection in the first place! Not enough of this chemical will mean you wont even get one. It helps the blood vessels of the penis relax and blood to enter in sufficient quality to create a strong firm erection.
Herbs to Increase Your Performance FAST!
You can get it from the well known Chinese herb Horny Goat Weed and the lesser know but equally powerful Cnidium. Horny Goat Weed will help lift your testosterone levels and Cnidium is an excellent blood tonic helping pump blood around the body and to the extremities, like the genitals.
Yohimbe the well known West African libido enhancer is an alkaloid taken from the bark of the yohimbe tree and the hydrochloride contained enhances libido like Cnidium by increasing blood flow to the sex organs helping to promote strong erections.
So the above will ensure your nitric oxide levels and testosterone levels are high and will ensure good blood flow to the penis.
Another critical aspect of last longer in bed is to have the right state of mind and this means being un-stressed, relaxed and with plenty of energy. You simply need to be in the right state of mind to feel in the mood for sex.
Again Horny Goat Weed is an excellent energy booster and helps you de-stress. The other well known Chinese herb of Ginseng also promotes energy within the body and enhances mood. It is also an excellent circulatory herb as well and acts to heal the sex organs.
The above are a powerful combination of herbs which can increase sex drive and ensure better and stronger erections there not the only herbs but they will provide a base for more sexual stamina quickly. Let's mention another couple of herbs which you can add to the above - not so well known but very powerful
Schizandra berries, increase sexual stamina, desire and strengthen the sex organs generally, they also help fight fatigue and stress and lift energy. Bombyx Mori has been used for centuries in China as an aphrodisiac and is a rare but powerful Libido booster.and stimulates the circulatory system and helps healthy blood flow.
Delivering a Tonic for Health and Sexual Performance
Remember - your performance is a reflection of the fuel you feed it and the above is an excellent natural combination for better sex.
For more info increasing libido and the best Herbal Sex Pills and comprehensive info on everything to do with Increasing Libido Naturally
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